This website integrates text, video and audio in order to create a multimedia educational resource for the public.
American companies, by contrast, are trying to integrate video into computers, creating multimedia PC's. integrates video, social networking, and mobile services in the company's product packages.
From the outset, Solomons saw the potential of integrating dance and video.
Essentially, it refers to computer applications that integrate text, graphics, sound, video and animation.
The platform integrates text, video, handwriting, and vector drawing.
Although it still offers stock quotes, market summaries, company news and links, the site now integrates live audio and video.
This change has been dominated by telecommunications providers integrating video, instant messaging, voice, and collaboration.
Quicktime will incorporate tools for helping programmers or computer users integrate video, animation and sound into programs.
This brings us on to thinking about how you can integrate video into your lesson.