Media companies like Vivendi are aggressively integrating production and distribution.
At the outset it may be noted that the development of large-scale impersonal capitals, integrating purchasing, production and marketing within a multidivisional form, substantially increases the element of 'planning' within capitalism.
Mills were built to exploit the kinetic energy of falling water and mill towns grew up around them, or company towns integrating production, residential and commercial activities.
Subsequently, Heinz suffered severe supply issues for the ex-HP Foods brands as the Elst factory struggled to integrate production, resulting in significant negative coverage from UK retailers.
By integrating production, shipping, and marketing, Preston believed that a company could more effectively regulate both the quantity and quality of the fruit reaching U.S. markets and thereby reduce the financial risks associated with trading a highly perishable commodity.
In March 1910 Davidson founded the Projektions-Aktiengesellschaft Union (PAGU), Germany's first joint-stock company in film industry and the first to integrate production, distribution and equipment hire.
At the same time, the Senator urged a program of "integrating" Israeli research and developments and production of weaponry into the United States and NATO effort.
Under Maxwell's paternalistic management the company prospered and during 1937, after its acquisition of British Pathé, the company was renamed Associated British Picture Corporation and was in a position to vertically integrate production, distribution and exhibition of films.
Its editors say the book has "two geographical frames of reference"-the vicinity of San Jose, California (or, Silicon Valley), and "parts of the world increasingly integrated into global networks of electronics production, consumption, and disposal".
Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology adheres to integrating production, education and research to facilitate the practical transformation of scientific research fruits and to fully display the advantages of agricultural specialty.