The school offers a developmentally appropriate, experiential approach to education, integrating the arts and academics for children from preschool through 8th grade.
Lowell's Primary School curriculum integrates academics, arts, technology, and physical education, and uses Essential Themes as its organizing principle.
Educational computer programs are a good way to integrate academics into your child's summer, especially during rainy days and quiet times.
The FTI is working towards national accreditation so that it may offer associate and bachelor degrees that integrate academics with a more traditional apprentice programs.
The Regents require C.T.E. programs to integrate sound academics with technical coursework.
It employs a creative curriculum, integrating both academics and art.
In 1990 Dr. Mary Jane Yurchak became Head of School and then took on a leadership role in integrating academics and technology.
It tries to become the effective catalyst for integrating both academics and industries, and play an important role in promoting local (Yangtze River Delta Region) industries.
It integrates academics, youth development, family support, health and social services, and community development.
"We have monthly assemblies that integrate art and academics."