On that Day, all being its eternal past as well as its eternal future will stand as one integral unit.
In the central Asian cotton-growing kolkhozes, each brigade might hold its land as an integral unit, its members living within this unit.
Motive power for each train consisted of an integral head-end unit driven by an Oldsmobile "Rocket" V8 gasoline engine.
A number of SLR models now feature integral, pop-up units as well.
The couplers and the surrounding structure form an integral unit, the so-called front ends, which were supplied by German industrial company Voith.
The bodies were made with injected resin, and were an integral unit containing the main body and water tank.
These have a monocoque construction, and the floor is an integral unit with the undercarriage.
The difficulty of making strangers understand the simple procedures that an integral unit performs automatically became painfully clear as we worked our way across the water.
SNMCMG2 operates as an integral unit whether participating in exercises or conducting real world operational missions.
All the tanks were fitted with integral units, controlled by the AI.