Maybe parents and children correctly see the intangible value of recycling lessons.
Two primary subcategories are included in intangible value: knowledge and benefits.
The intangible value of knowledge within these networks is just as important as a monetary value.
Books, once venerated for some intrinsic but intangible value, are now frequently viewed as mere units of commerce.
No doubt that salesman had to travel, when his intangible turned out to have intangible value, too.
Good will represents all the intangible value in an asset acquired for more than its true market value.
"Our whole modus operandi is finding value drivers among these different things we call intangible values."
Even though the amounts may be small, these events have intangible value, including generating media coverage and educating the public about a particular cause.
He also said that the sight of farmland added an intangible value to land.
All these have brought mechanical efficiency to their subjects at the cost of more intangible values.