With its intact roof, this is one of the best preserved buildings in San Gervasio.
The El Senor Sephardic synagogue, now a standing ruin with an intact roof.
Upon their return, fearing the worst, they were surprised by the good fortune of an intact roof.
Decent lighting, double-glazing with windows that shut and an intact roof were the main things on the wish list.
They took refuge in a ruined barn, with just enough of its roof intact to give a place for all of them to escape the rain.
The Inner Deposits have most of the roof intact and extend for several hundred meters.
The area he overlooked must cover more than fifty acres of ruined walls, toppled columns, a surprising number of intact roofs.
This structure also enjoyed what seemed to be quite a rarity in Valhalla, an intact roof.
This portion of the stronghold did have the great advantage of a nearly intact roof.
He walked through the open front door, up the stairs and along the hall with the roof still intact.