The region contains the largest area of intact (unlogged) temperate rainforest left on Vancouver Island.
Thanks to these underground riches, Brunei has been able to spare most of its above-ground resources, and the country boasts some of the most intact primary rainforest in all of Borneo.
In Ghana, a West African nation, deforestation from decades of mining activity left about 12% of the country's original rainforest intact.
Securing indigenous land rights is particularly crucial to conserving the rainforest as many of the world's remaining large tracts of intact rainforests are found in traditional indigenous lands.
Indigenous peoples' lands contain some of the last remaining expanses of intact rainforest on the planet, placing their communities in the center of major policy debates on combating climate change.
This species is distributed thinly and is restricted only to intact rainforest; it does not occur at all on the Masolala Peninsula.
Most the intact rainforest if found in the municipalities of Tenosique, Balancán, Macuspana, Teapa, Tacotalpa, Cárdenas and Huimanguillo.
The region belongs to the Maya Biosphere Reserve that represents the last large area of intact tropical rainforest remaining in Mesoamerica.
Up north in BC's Great Bear Rainforest, the largest intact temperate rainforest on earth, guests arrive by floatplane at the elegant King Pacific Lodge.
It was one of Greenpeace's most successful campaigns to protect large areas of the world's last intact rainforests providing both climate and biodiversity protection.