Experimental techniques to detect glutamate in intact cells include using a genetically engineered nanosensor.
Mechanism of adenine uptake by intact cells.
There may even be some intact cells.
Sometimes, however, a much milder procedure is followed, where the aim is to collect whole, intact cells.
I want him to get out with all his brain cells intact.
Those scientists overturned dogma that held that the effects of hormones could be observed only in intact cells.
The slurry created was homogenized further to break open any intact cells, and after this a brown syrup extract containing the toxins was collected.
In medicine, emperipolesis is the presence of an intact cell within the cytoplasm of another cell.
To date, several techniques have been employed in this regard to demonstrate PP1 actions in intact cells.
The ionophore is used in laboratories to increase intracellular Ca levels in intact cells.