Even getting dressed and walking to the cafeteria became an insurmountable task.
In the face of an apparently insurmountable task, the 40th succeeded beyond anyone's expectations.
That would leave the front and both sleeves to do before winter, which was hardly an insurmountable task.
To encapsulate what you meant to us in words is an insurmountable task.
Right now, healing all those wounds looked like an insurmountable task.
But this should not be an insurmountable task; other cities have managed to do it.
Getting their attention and keeping them all happy seemed an insurmountable task.
Suddenly, 4,500 miles seemed like a very long way and my dream trip an insurmountable task.
Maybe this wouldn't be an insurmountable task after all.
Many times when help if finally sought there are issues that have grown from relatively small thing into an almost insurmountable task.