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The Chinese Arm is beset by an insurgent terrorist faction.
This faction, taking the approach of other insurgent factions, recruited new precinct leaders and managed to gain working control of the state party by 1964.
There are indications that seven insurgent factions are involved.
Although two of the main rebel groups did not sign the accord, the Sudanese government and the largest insurgent faction did.
Important was also Libya's support to Acyl's group, that from 1978 became bigger and steadier than that to the other insurgent factions.
For one thing, the Soviet withdrawal removed the major outside threat and robbed the insurgent factions of a common enemy that had helped them paper over their differences.
Hamas There are only 2 insurgent factions, these include:
Among the topics will be patrol methods, techniques to find and destroy roadside bombs, and education on the various insurgent factions.
He backed an insurgent faction in District 6 to unseat leaders who supported the strike.
Tightening the Noose Government experts familiar with the fighting around Jalalabad say 15,000 fighters from different insurgent factions surround the city and its 11,000 defenders.