And in Islip, insurgent Republicans won seats on the town board this year, leaving Mr. McGowan to confront a majority bloc poised to oppose him.
But a few insurgent Republicans, fortified by the public outrage surrounding the affair, forced the publication of the names of all members who overdrew their accounts.
But he points to other insurgent Republicans who have waged successful primary challenges: Lewis J. Lehrman for governor in 1982 and Alfonse M. D'Amato for Senate in 1980.
IN a sense, the Senate's rejection last week of a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget was a serious defeat for the insurgent Republicans who are controlling Congress for the first time in their lives.
But even though Republicans have an 11-to-6 voting edge, the Legislature has shown itself to be ornery, with insurgent Republicans regularly joining with Democrats to block party gambits.
The insurgent Republicans maintain that the regular organization has become moribund, content to remain a white ultraconservative minority.
He said he had been made a target because he helped cement a coalition of Democrats and insurgent Republicans that thwarted the Republican majority on the 17-member County Legislature.
In this, the regular Republicans were aided by Snell's Rules Committee in restricting Democrats and insurgent Republicans from interfering with President Calvin Coolidge's program of spending cuts and tax reduction.
The various legislative offices were divided between the Democrats and the insurgent Republicans.
This time, it was not his Straight Talk Express, the bus that carried Mr. McCain, the insurgent Republican, to victory here over George W. Bush four years ago.