Formal employment is government regulated and workers are insured a wage and certain rights.
Under the covenant, states agree to insure rights without discrimination on the basis of "social origin" or "birth."
He supports the death penalty, opposes abortion rights and opposes legislation to insure civil rights for homosexuals.
In 1947 Philbrook led a successful effort to change the wording of the New Jersey Constitution to insure equal rights for women.
Her last real loss was the resounding defeat in January 1985 of a referendum insuring equal rights for homosexual workers.
Equal Rights The participating states confirm their determination to insure equal rights of men and women.
Landowners sometimes pay tax on water to insure rights to a char that slipped below the river but might resurface.
The fund is to support efforts to combat bigotry and insure civil and religious rights.
He devoted his professional and personal life to the welfare of the Jewish people and to insuring human rights and dignity for all.