We must campaign for "openness in government," fight for mayoral control of the school system, and understand that fiscal prudence today will insure economic prosperity in coming years.
One of those ideologies is the belief that a strong currency means a strong economy, that stable prices insure prosperity.
In addition to preventing armed conflicts in many of the world's hot spots, we also insure prosperity for our own economy.
Economic growth, spurred on by renewed capitalism, would quickly pay back foreign debt and insure prosperity.
"There is another paper here that you will sign that will insure the peace and prosperity of Korva."
Her traditional Vermont woolen blankets, with the seven-stripe pattern said to insure prosperity and good fortune, can be custom-ordered in several sizes.
There is no magical exchange rate that insures prosperity, and indeed there are dangers whether the dollar moves sharply up or sharply down.
Done right, the dynamic duo of smart workers and smart machines harnessed together in high performance work systems can go a long away toward insuring future economic prosperity.
But the ministers also know that there is no magic rate that insures prosperity and that indeed there are dangers whether the dollar moves sharply up or sharply down.
As is often the case in Mexico, however, the practice of a centuries-old craft does not insure prosperity.