Syria, now the main power broker here, wants Mr. Gemayel to accept political changes that would insure equality in government between Lebanese Moslems and Christians.
Today the goal of progressives - as these more pragmatic leftists call themselves - is to insure social justice and equality in a global economy dominated by multinational corporations, not governments.
New Jersey's 27-year-long debate over how to insure educational equality goes back before the State Supreme Court tomorrow.
Not the least of these are principles that insure racial equality and define the appropriate balance between the Federal Government and the states.
How do we insure constitutional equality and, at the same time, recognize individual freedom?
In that capacity he worked with minority groups, government agencies and private organizations to overcome discrimination and develop housing legislation that would insure equality for minorities.
That is partly to insure complete equality - no member should own more or live better than any other.
The 27-year-old battle over how to insure educational equality in New Jersey returns to the State Supreme Court tomorrow.
He proposed that the state assume 50 percent of the funding burden of the public school system to insure the continued quality and equality of education.