However, the reforms will be equally cruel for large numbers of legal, elderly immigrants who came to this country with the understanding that their status insured certain benefits.
Their parents, while they live, need help making wills, selecting guardians and naming proxies, to insure financial and medical benefits for their children.
Title IV created the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) to insure benefits of participants in underfunded terminated plans.
For a year The Times has sought long-term extensions of contracts with 14 unions that it said would insure improved wages, benefits and job security for employees and also ease the opening of the paper's new $400 million printing plant in Edison, N.J.
He noted that Pennzoil would have many alternatives and might be more concerned about insuring benefits to shareholders than raising its debt ratings.
Self-employed individuals submit additional forms with their income taxes to report profit and loss and insure benefits.
To insure current benefits, the system would be phased in.
Mr. Bush proposed substantial increases in premiums paid by employers to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which insures benefits provided under private pension plans to more than 40 million Americans.
The Reagan Administration asked Congress today to make ailing Rust Belt industries that raid their pension funds pay annual premiums of up to $150 per worker to insure monthly benefits for millions of retirees.
"I now have to restore the funds necessary to insure future benefits for all members without disrupting the already precarious budgets of state and local governments," Mr. McCall said in a statement.