At the same time, the brokers received commissions for providing supposedly unbiased recommendations on coverage to commercial insurance customers.
It is simply that with direct insurance customers come straight to the company to buy their insurance, usually by phone.
And a handful of insurers have begun experimenting with banking, mostly aimed at their insurance customers.
Why are these politicians devoted only to these privileged insurance customers?
By increasing their size, the giant health insurers are able to negotiate more favorable deals with doctors, hospitals and insurance customers.
This strategy is called bonus hunger of the insurance customer.
In this strategy, the insurance customer prefers the most profitable financial alternative, after a loss occurrence.
Indeed, the smaller insurance customers have been the source of the few legal complaints against the brokers over payments from insurers.
So many big insurance customers are unwilling to buy.
The practice of selling insurance customers' business, known as policy transfers, is increasingly common among companies attempting to survive in a rapidly changing industry, experts say.