These can be up to several kilovolts, enough to damage electronic equipment that is insufficiently protected.
Insufficiently protected by their clothing, Pencroft, Herbert and Spilett suffered cruelly, but not a complaint escaped their lips.
Complaints have been widely voiced by users that the game's servers are insufficiently protected against hacking and exploits which allow users to manipulate the game.
The people are, therefore, likely to become increasingly food-aid dependent if the water catchment areas of the Bale Mountains are insufficiently protected.
The No. 1 reactor has been more than 40 years in service since it was first operational in 1970, and the Tsuruga plant was insufficiently protected against a tsunami.
"They were also upset to discover that this company that had insufficiently protected their data even had their data."
The two guns were insufficiently protected, and the enemy got within short range of them, killing or wounding many of the gunners.
Part of the Numidians attacked the Roman camp which was insufficiently protected.
This report is a step in the right direction, because the external border is insufficiently protected at the moment.
At a time of crisis like the one we are living through globally, Europe cannot afford to let its manufacturers lag behind and its consumers be insufficiently protected.