In Feldman's novel, Lucy presents herself as a selfless, devoted bringer of happiness to a great man who was insufficiently appreciated by his compulsively idealistic wife.
Justice Souter pointed to the lengthy imprisonments, some of which have exceeded six years, as "a factor insufficiently appreciated by the dissents."
And above all, he is totally, irrevocably committed to his work, which, you can bet, is insufficiently appreciated by the sort of people who buy pictures.
In 1850 he published the Life of Calvin, an extremely detailed and on the whole impartial work and his influence in the religious world generally is insufficiently appreciated.
"The role of the stitches has been insufficiently appreciated," Dr. Hollenberg said.
He said that Nestlé, on the other hand, was insufficiently appreciated - by investors, not consumers.
Previously insufficiently appreciated in our capital, switch grass is inexpensive food for cattle, horses, sheep and goats.
The work has been influential since its publication; Mark Rubinstein describes it as an "insufficiently appreciated classic".
In Russia she is still insufficiently appreciated, and yet there are few contemporary artists - not only here, but also in the West - who wield such a fresh, noble palette, with such broad and vigorous skill.
The blockbuster program was a signal element of the Solti-Chicago mystique, and one that for a time worked a deleterious effect on the insufficiently appreciated art of concert programming.