The upper river may have insufficient water for boating from July to September except after rains.
At a nursery you never know what stress the seedlings have experienced, be it nights still in the 45-degree range or insufficient water and fertilizer.
I had simply embarked on the crossing with insufficient water and supplies.
The coconut trees are died due to the insufficient water.
This diverted the river along the course of the stream, leaving Newark with insufficient water to drive its mills.
The dam operators were not sensitive to this need, releasing insufficient water at inappropriate times.
However, Pennefather, in his great wisdom, decided there was insufficient water there and moved us all twelve miles across here.
Some summers the hotel was closed in August due to insufficient water.
Currently, 40% of the world's inhabitants have insufficient fresh water for minimal hygiene.
The Long ranch had alkaline soil and insufficient water to produce good vegetables.