To limit future surprises - like insufficient room for expansion - the agency has leased more space than it can now use.
There was simply insufficient room in his head for it all.
And it's much, much worse than that, too, but there's insufficient room in these pages to add it all.
There is insufficient room in the uterus for normal movement.
There is insufficient room inside the station for everyone to eat and sleep, so you will be camping out.
In addition, he said, the water will be too shallow and there is insufficient room to expand the 75-car parking lot.
In some situations where there is insufficient room for a post or gantry, signals may be mounted at ground level.
It is of course not the case that there is insufficient room for manoeuvre.
Due to there being insufficient room in the cemetery, Ruiz had many of the bodies thrown into the river.
Despite the completion of this stage, there was still insufficient room to house the College.