The project involves the complete replacement of the existing infrastructure, insufficient and technically unsuitable for increased traffic volume of the airport.
Thus, they came to voice discontent over bureaucracy, insufficient infrastructure and cautious monetary policy.
There was also insufficient infrastructure in place to support a long march, one for which the marchers were ill-equipped.
Other reasons such as wars, non-central location, insufficient infrastructure (rail lines, roads and communications) will keep a country in the periphery of global trade.
This project is a four phase effort to improve currently insufficient infrastructure.
Still efforts seem to aim more at quick and visible infrastructure improvements than at solving the more pressing and enduring problem of insufficient infrastructure for basic services.
However, because the airport had insufficient infrastructure, a new terminal building would need to be built.
In addition, the reform process was hampered by price controls, a lack of extension services, inadequate credit, insufficient infrastructure, and regional conflicts between the highlands and lowlands.
Added to this was there was still serf like conditions for many workers and insufficient educational infrastructure.
Geographic isolation and communication bottleneck coupled with insufficient infrastructure have restricted economic growth of the state.