She screamed as the energy struck her insubstantial form.
Duke snapped off a can of Old Milwaukee from the six-pack under his arm and tossed it through Cathy's insubstantial form.
Spock's hands passed through his insubstantial form, and then he was gone.
Like the eladrin, shadar-kai can teleport, but unlike their counterparts, they return in an insubstantial form for a short period of time.
Jennifer would scout in her insubstantial form, then come and get Brennan if the coast was clear.
She could see Dreamer through his insubstantial form.
He loomed in insubstantial form, a talking cloud.
In much sociology women as a social group are invisible or inadequately represented: they take the insubstantial form of ghosts, shadows or stereotyped characters.
She felt a sudden wave of dizziness ripple through her insubstantial form, and quickly willed herself to solidity.
His insubstantial form wavered in the void like a mirage above the desert.