Beyond the disagreement on moral sources is the conflict between disengaged reason and Romanticism/modernism, that instrumental reason empties life of meaning.
This has also been described as the contrast between valuing participation for intrinsic rather than purely instrumental reasons.
This is bound up with the second complaint - what Mr. Taylor summarizes as "the primacy of instrumental reason."
There are also more instrumental reasons.
Thomas Mann called Wagner's instrumental writing "the kingdom of subliminal knowledge," bypassing reason, taking up where words fail.
They can either follow the path of instrumental reason or they can recover their true character as a modern polis, a site of developing communicative reason.
Marcuse saw a possibility for developing a new, critical, science not dependent on instrumental reason or the ideological form of modern science and technology.
His analysis of the development of instrumental reason, however, was as a consequence of the development of the forces of production.
Philosophy, the love of wisdom, is replaced with instrumental reason, the ability "to make".
They do it for instrumental reasons.