While critics acknowledged the band's instrumental prowess the album was not well received, except for its cover of Wonder's "Superstition (song)".
The musicians' unmitigated instrumental prowess and practically psychic interaction allow them to seamlessly weave into and back out of the main theme.
Thom Jurek of Allmusic states, "Allison displays absolutely brilliant instrumental prowess as both an arranger and as an improviser.
Their breakneck speed and instrumental prowess combined with lyrics about death, violence, war and Satanism won Slayer a rabid cult following.
Although they are extreme sounding in just about every way imaginable (guttural growls, stop-start riffing, metronome-perfect drumming, etc.), the instrumental prowess of Origin's players is mighty impressive here.
The biggest obstacle has always been raising their songwriting game to the same level as their instrumental prowess, and that has finally been accomplished on Darker Circles.
During those years playing practically every club in southern New England, the band became well known for their showmanship, and instrumental prowess.
All four musicians are extraordinarily talented, but each adds his own instrumental prowess without hogging the spotlight.
Early works were praised for their "breakneck speed and instrumental prowess," combining the structure of hardcore tempos and speed metal the band released fast, aggressive material.
The live reputation the group developed for their instrumental prowess and performance strengths led to them embarking upon an ambitious, high-profile, large-venue tour of their own.