The instrument monitored heart rate, blood oxygen levels, body position and recorded snoring.
Surely their vanishing would leave a sign of some kind on all their instruments monitoring the planet.
Ever since the annual ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica in 1985, spacecraft, balloons and ground-based instruments have regularly monitored the upper atmosphere there.
Remember, our instruments can monitor your weapons.
In this article, you'll learn how these instruments monitor your vital signs, how a polygraph exam works and about the legalities of polygraph testing.
Stepping disks were growing in a vat while instruments monitored the metal content of the fluid.
He took Mott to the radar range, where delicate instruments monitored every moment of a rocket flight so that speed, acceleration and atmospheric resistance could be determined.
Systems checks were performed, instruments monitored, and stomachs settled as they approached the tanker aircraft.
At the lake, sophisticated instruments closely monitor water temperature and register seismic shocks.
American observers are already there, at Semipalatinsk in central Asia, where they will use the instruments to monitor an underground nuclear explosion scheduled for September.