Musical instruments made from found objects comprise a significant portion of the show.
The instrument currently comprises 44 pipe ranks and some 2,850 individual pipes controlled by a three manual and pedal console.
This instrument comprises 101 ranks over 3 manuals and pedal.
Traditional Korean musical instruments comprise a wide range of string, wind, and percussion instruments.
The instrument comprises a microscope mounted on two rails fixed to, or part of a very rigid bed.
The instrument comprises a prism or diffraction grating and a narrow slit that passes a single wavelength (a monochromator).
Each instrument comprises a scientific camera, a microscope, and a sample viewing unit (LM12 or LM14).
The instrument comprises 43 stops, 56 ranks and 3,027 individual pipes.
The instruments described above comprise all the percussion instruments in common use.
The instruments comprise of all Korean drums.