An isolated vocal or instrumental theme was torture enough to him; but when several voices or instruments combined, he seemed to lose control of himself completely.
Essentially, the instrument combined a marimba and a vibraphone, with a built-in amplification system for the lower marimba keys.
These instruments combine constant resolution and high precision of frequency measurement with great photometric accuracy.
To achieve this, the instrument combined a telescope with an infrared spectrometer.
Improved technology, new financial instruments and the growth of international investment have combined to make the currency markets ever more fluid.
Some instruments combine the functions of a digital multimeter with the oscilloscope.
The instrument combines multiple measurements to increase accuracy with the following procedure:
Aiding & Abetting gave it a positive review, saying "layer upon layer of samples and instruments combine into an almost symphonic orgy of sound."
These instruments could combine the demand impulse for new cars with positive externalities in terms of transport security, reduction of emissions and others.
The instrument combines a spherical speaker with violin-like sensors, which allows the user to physically "bow" it to create sounds.