In fact, the instrument belonged to Louisa May's sister, Elizabeth, who did indeed die young.
There must be fingerholes, otherwise the instrument belongs to the free reeds 412.13.
The instrument belongs to the lute family, and so it possesses a neck attached to a sound box.
She said the instrument belongs to a class of woodwinds known as the fipple flute.
Some instruments are called harps, but belong to the lyre family.
The 200-year-old instrument she uses belonged to her grandfather and survived the Holocaust.
And those big instruments on Oria belonged to folk your size, before they evolved down to regular size for that world.
The instrument had belonged to his grandmother Siri and to her grandparents before her.
I agree with this resolution because I believe that the instruments of the death penalty belong in a museum.
Occasionally, instruments with his label actually belonged to his father or to his brother.