There are 200-210 net instructional days per year, which is highest in India.
The average teacher salary in the district was $52,902 for 185 instructional days worked.
The average teacher salary in the district was $55,685 for 180 instructional days worked.
The average number of instructional days the district is 167 days.
The average teacher salary in the district was $50,114 for 185 days worked with 180 students instructional days.
Each class period is 50 minutes in length with 180 instructional days in the school year.
The teacher's work day a 7.25 hours with 180 instructional days in the 187 day contract year.
Parents are required to follow a board adopted school calendar, which includes 180 instructional days.
The school year is 186 days with 180 instructional days.
In most states, laws require a minimum of 180 instructional days.