The plan is not likely to affect teachers or instructional aides, who are protected from layoffs under the teachers' contract.
The other 15 staff included 8 instructional aides or coordinators, 1 administrator, and 6 support staff.
The Yankees' new instructional aide has 22 years worth of bullpen tales for the defending champions' chosen closer.
The other 25.0 staff included 11.5 instructional aides or coordinators, 8 district and school administrators, and 5.5 support staff.
Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten classes are limited to 22 children per class, with a teacher and instructional aide.
Students in Kindergarten and grades 1-2 are assisted by part-time instructional aides.
Classes are kept small - about 22 students in each - and nearly all have at least one full-time instructional aide.
In this case, the observer recommended providing more one-on-one attention from an instructional aide and limiting lectures.
Old Forge used the money to renovate a room, to buy equipment and to pay for an instructional aide.
The very latest equipment and instructional aides are employed along with the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience.