Since 1990, public school teachers have been told they "should instruct" students to pay respect to both.
The average teacher salary in the district was $59,402 for 180 days instructing students.
The school opened in the fall of 1981 and instructs students from grades 5 to 12.
Specialist teachers visit the school during the week to instruct students in subjects such as music and science.
He sternly instructed his students to do the same, to waste nothing.
Joseph Weaver instructed students during the approximately 12 week course.
Each counselor has an area of expertise in which they can instruct students.
Each school has a computer teacher to instruct students in data base, word processing, Internet and research techniques.
More than 1,600 basic scientists and clinicians instruct students during the course of their medical education.
For the teachers it means longer uninterrupted blocks of time to instruct students.