The government of Fidel V. Ramos sought to encourage local government participation and institutional strengthening.
Loan components also include institutional strengthening of INFOM and community strengthening.
The additional funding will contribute to finance the institutional strengthening of the Coastal Municipal Water Utility, which has suffered from a very difficult security situation.
The objective is to extend the electrical networks, support auto-generation projects and assist in institutional strengthening.
Approved on November 30, 2005, the US$140 million loan provides for sanitary infrastructure and institutional strengthening in the Educandos-Cuarenta basin.
This national plan promotes coordinated wastewater management at the local, regional, and national levels by focusing on institutional strengthening and the application of existing planning tools.
Ensure adequate financing for the above activities, support for needed capacity building and institutional strengthening, and the transfer of technology, knowledge and know-how.
The project consists of five components: Irrigation management, groundwater management, water conservation and environmental protection, rural drinking water supply, and institutional strengthening and capacity building.
I again condemn the serious uncertainty created because no agreement was reached on the necessary institutional strengthening for the political leadership which the European Union requires for the twenty-first century.
The project also supports environmental measures, institutional strengthening, engineering services, and project management.