It is continuous, since it is a long-term strategy to enhance individual performance in the context of institutional objectives.
NSE is a program that responds to institutional objectives for globalization, cultural diversity, and other off-campus learning initiatives.
To best align management goals with institutional objectives the OR director needs to identify the primary customer of the surgical suite.
Furthermore, the coordinator can make the necessary decisions for the proper functioning of the residence and the fulfillment of the institutional objectives.
Managers assume essential duties which involve responsibilities, competences and professionalism in the management and implementation of corporate and institutional objectives.
Many of their institutional objectives appealed to other secular governments, and the polemical literature of the time of Frederick II was merely temporarily shelved.
The University's administrators supply the strength necessary to make the decisions that will lead to the achievement of the institutional objectives of a Catholic university.
To develop the military air wing, in order to execute institutional objectives which guarantee sovereignty and contribute towards the nation's security and development.
That means that as far as Central America is concerned, we need concepts and a programme whose economic and institutional objectives are consistent and in step with one another.
The failure to achieve this institutional objective is a disappointment.