Founded in 1965, it currently has individual and institutional members from more than 80 countries.
In 2009 it grouped together over 1,400 institutional members in 190 countries.
The membership has increased to a total number of about 400, including 9 institutional members.
Since then, 37 law schools have become institutional members.
As of June 2010, there are over 90 institutional members, representing more than 40,000 students and 1,600 educators.
An institutional member can borrow five books at a time for a period of one month.
By 2005, 30 countries (with Canadian representation including nine provinces) had at least one institutional member.
The annual subscription fee for an institutional member is based on its size and scale of activity.
Membership consists of approximately 12,000 individual, institutional, commercial and affiliate members.
The association was founded in 1944 and has 240 institutional accredited members.