Do votes in Greek parliament not carry institutional and constitutional force?
Policy options for administrators are repeatedly frustrated by formidable historical, economic, institutional and political forces.
The great tribal confederations did not so much break up the western empire as occupy an area which had already lost its unifying institutional force.
But equally important, and less known, are the institutional forces acting on Federal agencies.
Especially among the theologians, the professors slowly built a corporate tradition that made them an institutional force to be reckoned with.
For years, efforts to restructure college sports programs have been stalled by historical, economic, institutional and political forces.
Religion is one of the significant institutional forces acting on the collective memory attributed to humanity.
Last year 76 864 members of the institutional forces were qualified in Human Rights.
The social and institutional forces alluded to by Saez, however, were already moving in reverse.
It is concerned with understanding the social practices, institutional forces, and material complexity of how humans and spaces interact.