In modern times, the artist's instinct to preserve has sometimes crossed wires with a more institutional expression of that drive: the museum or archive.
The insistence that man-made women be accepted as women is the institutional expression of the mistaken conviction that women are defective males.
One institutional expression of the union was the consolidation of two nearby seminaries into the new Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Moral universalism, in turn, found its institutional expression "in the constitutional state founded on the rule of law.
The second project examines the sociology of intellectual ideas in postcolonial India, with specific reference to the discipline of Sociology and its institutional expression.
In some languages this is the normal syntax, but in English it is rare, largely confined to archaic or institutional expressions.
The most distinctive institutional expression of Mouride agro-religious innovation is the daara, an agricultural community of young men in the service of a marabout.
Mustafa Kemal met with members of the Mevlevi Order in 1923 before its institutional expression became illegal.
Yet this discontent was denied political or institutional expression.
The institutional expression of the traditional, warm, intimate yet formalized urban civilization was the guild system.