You have institutional capabilities.
I am also determined to strengthen the FCO's institutional capability on human rights at home and overseas, building on the work of previous governments.
Having prototyped new and innovative solutions, HISG has established an institutional capability to mobilize and manage private sector resources.
Capacity building uses a country's human, scientific, technological, organizational, and institutional and resource capabilities.
But Mr. Thompson said in his report that while the agency's management controls are "generally effective," the space agency is suffering an "erosion of our institutional capability."
We've retained the institutional and organizational capabilities and the resources we need to go forward.
What we're talking about is not returning to a previous system but asking whether the present system meets the institutional capabilities of Congress and the President.
The Commission will also emphasise the importance of developing institutional capabilities as a means of improving the application of the Convention.
Additional efforts can also be included here for developing institutional capabilities, especially in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia.
When the Treaty comes into force, this will pave the way for reforming the European Union, providing the institutional capability to take action.