The institutional affiliation listed is that at the time the awards was given, and the links are to those institutions.
There were a few government employees whose precise institutional affiliations remained obscure.
If you have some sort of major institutional affiliation, be it a newspaper or a government, you've at least got some kind of protection.
Sloan's curatorial efforts extend beyond the boundaries of his institutional affiliation.
Membership of the community is generally, but not exclusively, a function of education, employment status, and institutional affiliation.
Regarding roof markings, their inscription helps identifying the regional or institutional affiliation of each car.
Names are given, but no identifying information (e.g., institutional affiliation) is provided.
Until 1965, Landes's institutional affiliations consisted of fairly short-term appointments.
An alternative theory is that the data indicates a decline in institutional religious affiliation rather than simply a decrease in spiritual belief.
Such statements commonly note the institutional affiliations of signatories for purposes of identification.