Its institutions take many forms and survive under many different political regimes.
There is a revolution under way, in which institutions and rules survive only so long as they are backed by popular acceptance or power.
For it is only by teaching what is true and just will institutions survive the test of time.
These institutions survive today, although some have mainstreamed their names.
Only if secular government was firmly embedded in the Christian faith could its democratic institutions survive.
Yet she comes to power in the midst of a crisis so deep that some quarters have come to wonder if the institution will survive.
"Many Catholic institutions simply may not survive in such a situation."
We all continue to learn that this institution can only survive if it operates by rules.
At least one institution has survived with its programs substantially unaffected.
The boat was destroyed by fire in the late 1920's, but the institution survives on land as a full-fledged children's hospital.