In the 19th century, musical institutions emerged from the control of wealthy patrons, as composers and musicians could construct lives independent of the nobility.
In the 30 years since he started lending money to the poor more than 3,000 other institutions have emerged to provide loans of a similar nature.
The institutions of a Palestinian nationality emerged slowly in the Palestinian refugee diaspora.
Several Arabic names and institutions emerged repeatedly in the government's counterterrorism inquiries throughout the last decade, officials say.
Democratic institutions are emerging, including a culture of compromise.
During the 1930s, the University continued to grow and develop and soon in Irkutsk the first higher educational institutions emerged from it.
At least two vital institutions emerged.
We therefore find ourselves in a difficult situation, a time of crisis, but one from which the European institutions may emerge strengthened.
Political institutions emerged from this shared control.
Human rights concepts, institutions, and mechanisms have emerged as one of the key safeguards of the modern era.