The institute predicted back in the initial planning stages, that only 12 million people would attend for the entire six months that it was open.
In their annual fall economic report, the institutes had predicted a growth rate of 3 percent to 3.5 percent for this year.
The institute predicts more than 1 billion bottles of water will be sold here in 2010.
The institute had predicted 3 percent growth for that year, but is now reducing that estimate, he said.
The institute predicts tighter monetary policies this year, which should contribute to a paring of the growth rate to 8.7 percent.
Germany's economic growth will slow markedly in 1991, the nation's leading economic research institutes predicted.
The institute predicts that from 2003 to 2007, the taxes lost because of retirement contributions in the workplace will total $615 billion.
Wage increases could also trim the country's current account surplus and increase unemployment, the institute predicted.
The institute has predicted that the crisis will become worst in 1991.
The institute also predicted a rise in the unemployment rate of one-tenth of a percentage point, to 9.5 percent.