He pulled away from her instinctively, putting a slight space between them.
Then she felt the greasy touch of camouflage cream on her cheek and instinctively pulled away.
She shivered, and Gray instinctively pulled her tighter against his chest.
He instinctively pulled away from her, wanting to be covered, to protect himself.
She pulled away instinctively, but she was too securely tied.
She reached for his hand, and he instinctively pulled it away.
Hand any two wizards a piece of rope and they would instinctively pull in opposite directions.
The bridge access panel hissed, and George instinctively pulled his eyes away from the starship to look.
She pulled back instinctively, but Jamie's hand came down on her shoulder.
He tasted blood in his mouth as Wyrm screamed and instinctively pulled away.