People instinctively press on harder, hoping that the additional force will somehow provoke a response.
Jaden instinctively pressed her lips together in denial.
They will instinctively press it between their tongue and palate to draw out the milk.
Kirk lifted her, instinctively pressing her to his shoulder to comfort.
Instinctively pressing the counter button to escape a big move is one of the game's greatest pleasures.
Between her legs, an empty throb began to torment her, and she instinctively pressed her thighs together in an effort to ease the ache.
Without thinking Kayne Stowes instinctively pressed the alarm button.
Marguerite at the thought instinctively pressed her hands to her heart, the agony of it all had become physically painful.
He didn't see anything to shoot at but he instinctively pressed the trigger, blindly rushing pell-mell into the fray.
I drew back a little, pressing instinctively against him, and his arms tightened round me.