Something jabbed his body and he tried to grab for it instinctively.
"He immediately screamed and instinctively grabbed a flashlight as if it would be a weapon or something to protect himself."
Ian's hands instinctively grabbed his son beneath the armpits and sat him up.
She could not tell what it was, but she instinctively grabbed hold of it.
She instinctively grabbed Hawk and placed her hands over his eyes.
She grabbed instinctively for something to brace herself, and the movement pushed her cover back.
She grabbed instinctively at the bag in her lap, pushed it to the other side of her body.
He grabbed instinctively, then let her go as if her skin had burned his hands.
Meg reached out and instinctively grabbed for Calvin's hand.
Fairhairn was trying to get to his feet, and Harry instinctively grabbed at him to help.