Havelock raised his hand, an instinctive move but no less a plea.
G-8 kicked rudder in an effort to avoid it, but that was only an instinctive move.
At Darkwind's instinctive move of protest, he shook his head.
There was deeper shadow against the metal wall toward which he pressed himself in one instinctive move.
I made an instinctive move to sit up and smacked my head against more stone.
She checked over her shoulder, an instinctive move to make sure no one was listening.
It was a good instinctive move on her part.
Beth made a brief, instinctive move of denial but then relaxed.
Pitt never really accounted for the instinctive move that saved his life.
Or, she added, he may have turned his back at the last moment in an instinctive move to protect himself.