Lives, sometimes millions of them, were affected by the wise or instinctive or occasionally desperate decisions he and his team had made here.
I mean, in a way it was an instinctive decision for me to discontiue working with the band.
DeWitt made an instinctive decision not to return fire.
This was an instinctive decision, and what could she offer?
He said Monday, "After all, it does end up being an instinctive decision."
There was no time for anything but instinctive decisions.
The very tone of The Shadow's whispered laugh was a proof of his instinctive decision.
He knew the song would always be with him now, murmuring quietly in the depths of the back brain, where all the important, instinctive decisions are made.
Tarasov was known for his ruthless training methods, tough discipline among his players and innovative, instinctive decisions.
There were two instinctive decisions he made in particular that would prove enormously beneficial over the long haul.