The values you instill in your children - that's what a farmer's all about.
At the same time, most would rather instill fear in their children than have them become victims.
But the most important role of mother is to instill in her children a general, all-purpose sense of guilt.
Obviously they worked hard to instill a certain code of behavior in their children.
An important goal of the parents was to instill a strong moral code in their children.
Iraqi Arabs were asked which values they would like to instill in their children.
This country chose to keep government out of education so that parents would have the freedom to instill their own morals in their children.
I disagree with the main thrust of his argument that only religion can instill proper values in our children.
How can parents instill in their children the same sense of fierce self-determination that you grew up with?
This left the family under the firm control of Henrietta, who was determined to instill in her children a desire to succeed.