The station instantly gained Top 10 status in the Arbitron ratings among teens and young adults, their primary audience.
Subat's eyes widened slightly, but he instantly gained control of his expression.
Upon joining a gang, they instantly gain a feeling of belonging and identity; they are surrounded with individuals whom they can relate to.
After they tweeted about it on their personal profiles, Jepsen instantly gained international attention.
In his new club, Morales instantly gained acceptance as a defensive allrounder.
The website instantly gained national and international media attention.
Ziemiański returned to writing at the turn of the century instantly gaining fame and raising controversy.
Initially a short film maker and animator, Wheatley moved his work to the internet instantly gaining a wider audience.
She rolled the doors shut; the car glided out onto the road and instantly gained speed.
Borknagar's music instantly gained fans and received positive press attention.