Headlights cut around the bend and were instantly extinguished at the same time a car I could not make out came to an abrupt stop.
The lights of the house were instantly extinguished.
The lights along the shaft were instantly extinguished, obliterating the scene of chaos.
As he took it, it flared to a blue glow, instantly extinguished.
A match flared in the dark and was instantly extinguished as a gust of wind crashed against the window.
The eldest Norn instantly extinguished the flame and asked his mother to hide it well.
You might think that this revelation would instantly extinguish belief in the fallible pantheon.
There was a ball of flame, instantly extinguished, and Alex felt the shock wave hit him, throwing him against the truck.
Finally there was only one narrow path and it led down into a glen of sorts- He stopped, instantly extinguishing the cupped penlight.
Aillas instantly extinguished the fire lest a wisp of smoke draw attention from the riders.