The only sound that emerged was a strangled moan, instantly crushed.
A second attempt, in 1655, by the gallant cavaliers who called themselves The Sealed Knot, was instantly crushed.
Running back to save their children, Li is pulled back by her husband, who runs ahead of her and is instantly crushed.
Any object containing a speck of infinite mass is going to be instantly crushed against the infinitely-massive-object's 'surface.'
It looked like Postine had been crushed instantly by the collapsing temple.
Anything strange, different, alien, or even the tiniest and remote possibility of being superior, must be crushed and destroyed instantly.
His skull had been crushed instantly.
The machine ran over him, and the police said he was crushed to death instantly.
The fetus she was carrying was instantly crushed.
The aliens are speculated to come from a gas giant, and thus can only survive under conditions of extreme pressures in which humans would be instantly crushed.